Once Upon a Time in a Forest

Once Upon a Time in a Forest

DIRECTOR Virpi Suutari
SCRIPT Virpi Suutari

Once Upon a Time in a Forest, a title referencing the great westerns of our time, is the polar opposite of the genre itself. This fragile environmental documentary from Finland follows a group of young activists who take on the industrial giants who are systematically destroying the forest and threatening the environment. The film stylistically portrays the harmony of the forest, which takes on an almost spiritual quality. The beautiful compositions and alternating film formats are elegantly interwoven with rhythmic editing, bringing forth the tranquility and wisdom of nature, whose importance is often forgotten in these chaotic times. Crystal clear lakes, ancient trees and diverse animals. The film is an empathetic ode to the environment and those who strive to protect it. Director Virpi Suutari constructs an almost fairytale-like narrative teaming with both fluidity and grace - the depiction of nature is warm, hopeful and full with remarkable imagery. Surrender and allow yourself to be carried away.

Actors: Ida Korhonen, Minka Virtanen, Otto Snellman, Ville Murmann, Otso Piitulainen
Finsko, 2024, 93 min.,
FI, Sub. CZ, EN
Tuesday 22.4.
FI, Sub. CZ, EN
+ introduction by the Embassy of Finland
180 KČ

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