I Don't Love You Anymore

I Don't Love You Anymore

DIRECTOR Zdeněk Jiráský
SCRIPT Zdeněk Jiráský

Thirteen-year-old Marek makes videos about social issues, which relegates him to the position of an outsider in the eyes of his classmates. At home, he is no longer feeling comfortable and his mother's new acquaintance disrupts their idyllic relationship. At the most sensitive time in his life, Tereza, a year younger than him, comes into his life. Although they are each from opposite ends of the social spectrum, they find a liking for each other. The adventure of first love can begin. The teenager's games soon spiral out of control, a pretend kidnapping of a girl culminating in a run away from home. They board the train that goes the farthest. After a series of small adventures, they soon get lost in a labyrinth of endless possibilities of freedom. Desperation takes on an aftertaste of loneliness and fear of the unknown, emotional outbursts begin to drown in disillusionment. Marek wants to go home, Tereza does not. The journey is not yet over...

Actors: Daniel Zeman, Maisha Romera Kollmann, Anita Krausová, Réka Dérzsi, Marián Mitaš, Gabriel Spahiu, Pavel Gajdoš, Marin Grigore, Branislav Matuščin
Česká republika/Slovensko/Rumunsko, 2023, 110 min.,
CZ, RO, Sub. EN

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