You're returning back to those places - the places where you grew up. You're shaking and sweating. You swallow because you can't avoid the memories. Some are like colourful paintings. Some are like punches. A child under the communists. The foster parents. The orphanage. And then velvet freedom that you don't know what to do with. You've fallen a hundred times, but always got back up. They didn't get you because you weren't alone. You had yourself, and you had your hope. Hope that one day you'd escape to America, where your father is waiting for you. GIRL AMERICA. The story of the girl who stopped running.
Director and producer Viktor Tauš comes up with the film experience of the year. GIRL AMERICA tells its story in an unconventional stylised language like a surrealistic geyser full of colour, life, and dreams.
"GIRL AMERICA is a tornado of fascinating audiovisual scenes, scenes emotional to the ceiling and the all-consuming energy of hundreds of child (in)actors."
(Vojtěch Rynda, Reflex)